Monday, August 31, 2020

Time to send the engines off to AirWorx!

 Today, I had a guy pick up my engine(s). One was the original from N97954 and the other from N97822. I hope that Chris at can take the two and make one kick ass engine!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

New N number

Today I reserved N108NX. The 108 is for the series 108 Stinson. The NX is for NextGen because this will be a non traditional rebuild featuring some updated improvements.

If you are looking for a special N number, don't use the FAA site, it's horrible! Use this free site I found that gives you a LOT of control on the search options.. Good luck.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Left wing hinge repair - replacement

 So the left wing is from the OK parts. It had a cracked rib where the center flap hinge is. Of course this is one of the most difficult to replace! I got a replacement from Earl Allen.